Monday, September 24, 2012

The War against Truth waged by a deceived American population and complicit media. Are the leftist tactics working?

Our internet sources for truth in reporting are seriously being comprimised constantly. Attacks using frivilous subjects to inflame instead of concentrating on the more serious ones are the going trend especially on newsvine by non Americans. And yet we still flock to them.

Actually Obama just Farted

This blatent obscuring of facts from supposedly trusted sites as well as the spin is getting out of hand.

Our own supreme court has been complicit in the path of destruction Americans face today as is shown in an article posted below in a link I provided. The overwhelming amount of disinformation has mainly been from the far left media outlets like Media Matters, The Daily Kos, Huffpost, Snopes, Factcheck, MSNBC, CNN,ABC and NBC. There are more but most know who they are. Fox is also guilty by omission and a lesser amount of spin compared to the others. All the major networks are guilty from not telling the truth about Islam but that's a different subject for a different article.

Ommission of information is the same as disinformation.

Oversaturation of false informational spin is infectious and dangerous to our nation. It is so prevelent and repeated so much that there are people who actually start to believe it and fail to see the real truth.

Newsvine is a perfect example of this retoric described as truth in action. In my short time there I have observed the following as well as expierienced it firsthand. When the majority here (which happens to be left leaning) say it, then it must be true and it is backed up by others of like mind backslaping each other as if their doing so proves the falsehood true, at the same time calling anyone who has a different opinion from theirs a racist bigot who hasn't gotten out of grammar school yet. Of course this comes from the right as well but not nearly as much as from the dominant left since there are far more liberals on this site than conservatives or republicans. More does not necessarily mean there opinions are more valuable or true than the few.

When these extreme leaning people (right or left) get proven wrong they go into defense mode by attacking the person who posted the article as well as the source instead of actually doing the research to find out if the source was credible or not on their own. They rarely even mention the contents the article is about. Is this laziness or is this just their way of debating?. A lot of these people don't contribute anything of substance that pertain to the article being talked about and instead just post a comment that attacks a person in another comment just because they don't like the opinion or the person who's comment they attack. Those are the ones that believe that anybody else's opinion is absolutely wrong even if it is actually right. I believe the term used for such people are called Trolls. And there are many on Newsvine as their are on other blogsites.

Some here can see through the lies and deceptions clearly, including some of those on the left. There are more than likely a lot more on the left that side more with the right (or conservatives) but will not for fear of being mocked or alienated by their leftist peers. Those will just not comment at all if the subject is too revealing. I can't say that I blame them. This goes for both sides of course.

Those are the enlightened ones who along with their enlightened brethren in the center prefer to show proof of their positions by posting links to the evidence that they base their information from. The very links that the others refuse to open and read. Most of those enlightened people do research from various different outlets on the Internet not just to find something that proves their point but from places that have the most credible information that is available and verifiable at the time. These people are the ones singled out by other posters for attack by inults through insinuation, harrassment and stalking in order to get around the rules that Newsvine has in place as well as collapsing the coments or articles just because they don't like them. I expect to get a lot of flack from the left on this but someone had to write about what is going on there. I wrote this article there and did a little tweaking to it to post it here for clarity.

Just to let others know, I am an Independent. It is time to stop the above mentioned tactics and get our country going back in the right direction regardless of petty differences. Right now we are self destructing and the partisan politics needs to stop. Political correctness is the worst enemy to a free Republic. Our media cannot be relied on anymore and that is true no matter what political point of view one may have. If we don't pull together we will lose every right we have and become a Socialist nation and the freedoms we have will be lost forever.

Here is a perfect example of a site that ommitted information and claimes it did not exist when is actually did.

It has links within links going to the proper places to show this actually happened. It is my opinion that most of those reading this article will not take the time to dig deeper. It is so much easier to claim the article is another right wing nut piece spread by Rush followers.

For the sake of continuity I left the opening paragraph below to lay the ground rules on the comments.

As usual the code of honor will be enforced. Even though political correctness is something I dislike, the rules of this site have to be adhered to. Derogatory terms such as Tbags, Demothugs, Republithugs or any variation will be deleted regardless if it is on topic in order to keep tempers from flaring causing derails. Use common sense please. You are welcome to repost it without the derogatory connotations if your comment gets deleted. Your opinion is welcome as long as it pertains to the point of the article and not an attack on another poster. Posts that get deleted can be taken up with the vine moderators, (when and if they decide to grace this article since they are overloaded with the Beta site).

I am an American citizen and I approve this message! Violators will be prostituted. (pun intended)

Friday, September 7, 2012

The end of an Error, The fall of the Obama empire

  • When did Beijing become our "closest" ally? What about Israel a country that has never failed to support us. What about Great Britain? Remember them...that is where he likes to blame Romney for his statements that were actually proven true on the Olympics. Why does he do this? To cover the disgraceful blunders he made in regards to their Queen, his spitting on of Winston Churchill, and his magnanimous Sams Club DVD gift set and IPOD loaded with "his" favorite songs.

    GM Bailout a dismal failure costing Americans $28 billion dollars.

    Osama technically is better off, he no longer has to listen as Obama give the same speech for four years. He should be thanking Seal Team Six from hell for this.

    Overseas jobs...after the failed auto bailout GM opened plants stimulating the economy...the economies of Mexico and China as they built factories there. Sending
    $22 million dollars of U.S. tax payer dollars to repay campaign debts to George Soros in Brazil.

    Authorizing a low flying photo-op over a U.S. city attacked in such a manner just years before that killed over 3000 people.

    Endorsing and supporting the Islam terrorists as he attempts to supplant the laws of the United States with this cults barbaric rituals of hate and death. As they attempt to remove God from this country and supplant him with a pedophile prophet and butcher.

    Appointing the above mentioned terrorists in key positions inside the very bastion of freedom that has stood for everything they despise. CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood hailed by Democrats as the purveyors of science and navigation...yet every country they are dominant lies in a state of barbarism and below third world poverty where murder and the rape of women, children, and homosexuals are the order of the day.

    Opening our borders under the false "Dream Act:" that allows illegal "aliens" to rape and murder innocent American children. Allowing them to recklessly run down in drunken stupors identification needed for that either. That would be "racist".

    Attempting to cover up his complicity and his paid assassin Eric Holders complicity to pursue a liberal agenda to deprive American citizens of the one thing that protects them against their tyranny...the Second Amendment. Maybe someone should ask Brian Terry if he is better off today than he was four years ago. As well as hundreds of Mexican citizens killed over this blood thirsty administrations warped agendas.

    Failed Green jobs...repeat after me..."Solyndra".

    Destroying the three branches of the Government our Founding Fathers put in place to prevent such blatant acts of despotism and tyranny to impose "his" will.

    He has made of this country once respected a global laughing stock as he bumbles his amateur worldwide failed agenda.

    His endorsement of the New Black Panther Party in his mantle of "unifier" as he racially divides the country. Letting them intimidate voters and threaten with death
    of all whites from babies on up with racial cleansing.

    His endorsement of voter fraud as it serves his purpose as he bastardizes the American electoral process.

    Leaking vital secrets to his Russian allies and the enemies of Israel in a blatant attempt to sabotage their attempts to protect themseves from the enemies that
    surround them on all sides...Palestine, Iran, Egypt.

    His unlawful endorsement of signing into law the unlawful detention of United States citizens.

    His gross multi-million dollar cover-up of his documents that would prove he is not eligible to serve in the office of the President according to our Constitution.

    His madating requiring Americans of faith to be complicit in the murders of countless unborn innocents.

    His passage of a Universal Healthcare mandate bribed and brokered behind closed doors that will deny millions of Americans proper healthcare they pay for while

    illegal "aliens" rape and steal their entitlements given to them by this sham of a President.

    His appointments of Czars not qualified to clean rest stop restrooms in key positions to cover up his own gross incompetence and arrogant misplaced narcism.

    His and his disgusting wifes lavish tax payer funded White House Parties, multi-million dollar vacations, golf rounds while Americans lose their homes and their children starve.

    His spitting on of the sacrifices of our military as he removes their rights to free speech, healthcare, and right to vote they shed blood for us to allow us to retain.

    These idiots have the gall to get up at the DNC and blatatantly lie to the American people when their disgusting actions are the only transparency we have ever
    seen from them. Maybe after Bill Clinton (A man known for the integrity of his word.) gave his propganda and evidently paid for speech, he should have had Obama come out dressed in the appropriate attire for his loving hug...a blue dress perhaps?

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Those Wacky Liberals!

Those Wacky Liberals

Posted with permission of the author.

Those Wacky Liberals

Up for jumping out of a plane without a parachute? You’re probably a liberal. How about diving into a vat full of poisonous snakes? Yep, recent studies suggest you probably have liberal tendencies. It all brings to mind the question my mother used to ask me about whether I’d jump off a bridge if so and so told/dared me to or, in another version, if “everyone else” was jumping. She’d ask in a tone which clearly indicated her belief that the correct response was obvious, but I guess she didn’t realize it all really depended on whether I had a conservative or a liberal brain. I would suggest that a true liberal would answer in the affirmative based on two of the primary characteristics of the liberal brain. It seems that for some reason liberals tend to have a smaller amygdalas, (a particular area of the brain involved in the decision making process), then conservatives and thus are less likely to properly assess risk prior to taking action. Interestingly, much of the liberal media has defined this ability to properly assess risk as evidencing “fearful” behavior, rather than acknowledging that ignoring the possibility of negative consequences is a good way to make a bad decision.
The reality is that the more reasonable interpretation of such data is to suggest that when one chooses not to consider all the possible consequences of a particular action the decision making process is absent and that a liberal simply combines thought and action. If one couples this propensity for acting without thinking with the fact that liberals are far more herd like in their behavior one begins to understand why it is that liberals often have such a negative emotional response to conservatives and the conservative world view. One need only combine the liberal propensity to act without thinking with the tendency to follow the crowd to come up with the related conclusion that liberals will, by and large, jump off that bridge referenced above.
This all suggests that the liberal view might best be summarized by the Nike slogan, “Just do it” which obviously suggests that, for example, the important thing is to shoot the arrow regardless of whether the archer has a particular target in mind. It seems that it’s not just a matter of a smaller amygdalas, but there is also evidence that liberals are much more likely to possess the DRD4-7R gene which significantly affects the relationship between mood and behavior. Essentially, engaging in risky behavior elevates the mood of those with the gene and thus it motivates them to search out the new and the dangerous with their sole focus being on the “high” they receive and a complete absence of any consideration being given to the possibility of more far-reaching negative consequences.
The truth of the matter is that Democrats/liberals tend to take positions on an issue by issue basis while drawing from a much more limited set of moral and ethical premises then do Republican/conservatives. Jonathan “Haidt, a self-professed liberal atheist”, explicitly suggests as much when he claims,
We think of the moral mind as being like an audio equalizer, with five slider switches for different parts of the moral spectrum. Democrats generally use a much smaller part of the spectrum than do Republicans. The resulting music may sound beautiful to other Democrats, but it sounds thin and incomplete to many of the swing voters that left the party in the 1980s, and whom the Democrats must recapture if they want to produce a lasting political realignment.
The irony is, or course, that even in defining the results of the various studies purporting to show the differences between the conservative and liberal brain the primarily liberal media evidences just those very characteristics. I recently wrote an article aimed at illustrating that very thing, liberals have a propensity to misrepresent what they do not understand based on their inability to incorporate what they mistakenly believe to be conflicting positions into one cohesive and comprehensible system. They pick and choose from a wide array of relevant data and claim that their conclusions are valid when the fact of the matter is that by ignoring the data which conflicts with their particular world view they completely invalidate those conclusions. Perhaps the most ironic result is that they then claim that conservatives are the ones who are unable to assess and incorporate conflicting data and, further, that conservatives are “against science” and close minded.
In conclusion, if one accepts all the data presented by the various studies as accurate and meaningful, a completely different issue, one finds that the conclusions being presented as true by the various authors and commentators addressing the subject of the liberal/conservative brain are almost invariably completely and utterly false. This is almost completely a result of the very characteristics defining the liberal brain which are presented in the studies themselves. In the end, perhaps my biggest question is why so few conservative commentators seem willing to point this out. As with much of what passes as political discourse in this day and age they seem content to allow the issue to be framed within a liberal context and then wonder why it is they can’t seem to get any traction.
Arguing over whether or not conservatives are close-minded, for example, is really a fool’s game and simply solidifies the validity of the invalid paradigm of the left. I would suggest that the real issue confronting the American Citizenry is whether it prefers to be led by those who are driven by the need to make changes regardless of the effect those changes may have or whether it wishes to be led by those who change what needs to be changed, leave alone those things which do not need to be changed, and make those decisions based on relevant and pertinent data. The choice is up to you.
The daredevil who just wants change or the fundamentally rational person?
Below I provide quotes and references which provided the basic data for the article.
Thank you.
while conservatives are though to be better at recognizing threats, researchers said.

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a “liberal gene” — a variant called DRD4-7R, which affects the neurotransmitter dopamine — that has been linked with a personality type driven to seek out new experiences.

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The conservative reluctance seems more understandable when looking at studies that associate personality and politics, which have been ongoing for decades. A good example comes from a 1950 study, in which right-wing types were identified as “rigid, conventional, intolerant, xenophobic and obedient.” (Left-wingers are typically assigned much more palatable adjectives like flexible and curious.)
In recent years, the dividing point has become open-mindedness, which suggests conservatives are, unflatteringly, defined by being closed-minded. “Every bad trait you can imagine has been laid at the doors of conservatives,” says Hibbing. “So I don’t blame them for being on guard.” (Of course, each attribute is what researchers make of it. An intolerant, conventional person might also be called a careful, orderly one.)

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This gene variation has already been linked to a personality type driven to seek out new experiences. In other words, people with the DRD4-7R gene are more likely to be game for a laugh, for a dare, for anything new and stimulating “to alter dopamine levels to affect mood,” explain the authors. (More on What Goes on Inside the Brain of a Misbehaving Boy?)

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They suspected that DRD4-7R-equipped novelty-seekers would listen more closely to the views of friends and would also acquire a wider circle of friends, exposing these embryonic Keith Olbermanns and Jon Stewarts to yet more points of view, attitudes and lifestyles. This exposure would further tease out their inner liberal.

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While having the gene won’t make you liberal and having a rich social life won’t do so either, the interaction of the two may well do the trick. “Ten friends can move a person with two copies of the 7R [variant] almost halfway from being conservative to moderate or from being moderate to liberal,” the study concludes.

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In a study led by Yuko Munakata, professor of psychology at the University of Colorado, Boulder, investigators presented subjects with a random noun and asked them to pair a verb with it. In choice situations like this, brain cells in the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex are designed to consider a wide range of options—essentially conducting a high-speed argument among themselves. The debate would go on forever, except chemical inhibitors soon silence things, allowing only one option to prevail.

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