Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Dark Knight vs The Reign Of Terror civilized society battles the occupy movement. by The OttoShow@newsvine

It was only a matter of hours before ABC was able to locate a “James Holmes” who may have been the mass murderer in Aurora’s Batman shooting based solely on his affiliation with the Tea Party.

In the age of mass information, when is the leftwing press going to stop jumping to conclusions with the sole intent of politicizing tragedies? What’s the classic definition of ‘insanity’? Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results? (that’s also a shout out to those supporting the Obama reelection)

The media jump on a story, use it to smear their political opponents, only – in virtually every situation – have it come back as 180 degrees wrong. George Zimmerman was not a stalking, white racist but was in fact a Hispanic Democrat getting his head bashed in and his concealed gun wrestled from his body by an aggressive ‘victim’. Jared Loughner was not a Sarah Palin follower but (according to those who know him) an oddball leftist (I know – redundant). The Duke Lacrosse players did not gang rape a stripper. The Tawanna Brawley rape was a hoax. Timothy McVeigh was not a Christian conservative. The Holder DOJ did not willfully hand thousands of guns over to Mexican criminals (ok, that last one is true and of course, largely omitted from network news broadcasts). And so on. And so forth.

This terrible story did change the dynamic of the discussions around the new Dark Knight Rises movie. We have now moved to debating the influence of movies (and this one in particular) on people from debating the silly connections between Mitt Romney’s Bain Capital and Bane, the villain from DKR.

I saw DKR over the weekend and despite the rejection by Chris Nolan, there is a clear political point of view in the movie: it is Batman and a civilized society vs. Occupy Wall Street and the French Revolution.

The parallels between Bane’s assault on Gotham with the French Revolution were stark and would be highly coincidental if not intentional. They began their assault by destroying order, instilling terror in the citizenry (actually referred to as “The Reign of Terror” by the barbarians imposing the French Revolution), storming prisons (where the Robespierrians spared those in the debtor’s prisons – and the prostitutes of course), ransacking the homes and businesses of the wealthy and seizing their property, putting on pointless show trials (in DKR, Dr. Crane presided over the show trials where the 100% convicted – the rich and those who opposed the new order – could choose their own fate: death (by exile) or exile (by death)), displaying the bodies of those executed high over the city and murdering the leadership (King Louis, Gotham’s mayor, whoever).

If they hacked Catholics to death and defecated on cop cars then that would have completely tied the movie to the French Revolution and Occupy Wall Street (I believe in that order).

DKR shows what happens when the tyranny of class warfare gets an edge in over civil order. Which is why, now that it’s more likely that James Holmes has more in common with OWS than the tea party, the left has immediately moved on to gun control.

Gun control would not have changed the outcome of this shooting. The theater already had a form of gun control via a posted “No guns on premises” policy, which tragically, law abiding citizens respected and a deranged sociopath did not. When I go to a movie, I would rather be surrounded by 200 armed people peacefully watching a movie than be helpless target practice for an actual criminal.

There are already the kneejerk reactions to upgrading theater security. One idea is having police officers stationed at theaters, particularly during a big event like the DKR opening. And why is that a solution? It’s not the shiny badge. Security guards have shiny badges too but have you ever felt safe in the presence of an unarmed, five-foot-two female security guard? We feel safer with the cop because there is something soothing about having an armed, law abiding citizen nearby. When Michael Bloomberg starts walking down the street without being surrounded by guns, we’ll hear what he has to say to the rest of us.

Leftists don’t fear guns – they demonstrate this time and time again with their acts of violence and rhetoric (and gifting loads of weapons to foreign drug cartels in bizarre law enforcement operations). They oppose legalized guns because it would be so much easier to impose their backward Utopian ideals via force on an unarmed populace.

There are only two things that would have stopped or slowed James Holmes down that night. One is a room full of armed movie goers. The other is to eliminate emergency exits in theaters (but no one is talking about that). Emergency exits did not one ounce of good to those suffering through an actual emergency but it did allow a psychopath to visit his car, dress in his assault gear and waltz on in to a crowded theater armed to the teeth.

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