Thursday, June 28, 2012

Supreme Court Win For Romney!

I wanted Obamacare to fail so bad I need to step back and view what actually happened. And this is the result and along with information of a couple of friend’s.

Today, the Supreme Court declared the “mandate” under Obamacare to be constitutional as a TAX!
In fact, our Constitution states, in Article I, section 8, clause 1:
“The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes...”

Obama always had the ability to fund Obamacare through taxation. The political problem for him now rests with the fact that Obama must admit to Americans that he and his henchmen like Pelosi and Reid, lied to the American people from the very onset of the Obamacare debate! They all represented that the funding of Obamacare was NOT a tax! They never could have sold it based upon increasing taxes on every American, especially born by the Middle Class.

The main thrust of the ruling today is that the Federal government may not enforce legislation such as Obamacare based upon the Constitutional doctrine of the Commerce Clause. In short, government can not force Americans into “commerce” so they can be regulated. That is the silver lining in today’s ruling. This is historic and defines the limits of the Federal government from now on.

The second historic part of today’s ruling is that the Supreme Court went on to again limit the power of the Federal government with respect to forcing States to act, threatening to withhold Federal funds if they do not act according to the government’s wishes. This is another historic aspect of today’s ruling again upholding State’s Rights.

When the Supreme Court rules it is generally through compromise and consensus. This is a “compromise” today, the Supreme Court upheld the right of the government to “lay and collect taxes” as allowed by our Constitution. The fact that Chief Justice Roberts appears to have sided with the Liberals means nothing more than upholding the law as written in our Constitution. If Roberts had sided with the Conservatives they could have been accused of Republican partisan politics instead of upholding the law. By siding with the Liberals, Roberts has inoculated the Court against such accusations. Politically, if Roberts had sided with the Conservatives, Obama and the Democrats could have used it as a tool to defeat Romney.

With respect to electing Romney, Romney and the Republicans win this battle as Romney will use the huge tax increase as a wedge issue to elect him to repeal Obamacare thus killing the largest tax increase in American history! As we all know, the IRS is in charge of enforcing tax law. If Obamacare is not repealed, it will be up to the IRS to go after every American to collect the Obamacare tax! Voters will not like this!

In conclusion, the ruling today accomplishes several things:

1. It forces Obama and the Democrats to finally admit that they LIED about Obamacare from the onset knowing full well that it would be upheld as a TAX!

2. It prevents the Federal government from threatening States with losing existing Medicaid funding if the States do not comply with catastrophic increases in Medicaid demanded by Obamacare!

3. It gives Romney and the Republicans a huge election wedge issue to elect Romney to repeal Obamacare killing the largest tax increase in American history!

Do not be disheartened by the Supreme Court ruling! If Romney is elected the Fat Lady will sing the death-knell for Obamacare! We MUST elect Romney!

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