Friday, September 7, 2012

The end of an Error, The fall of the Obama empire

  • When did Beijing become our "closest" ally? What about Israel a country that has never failed to support us. What about Great Britain? Remember them...that is where he likes to blame Romney for his statements that were actually proven true on the Olympics. Why does he do this? To cover the disgraceful blunders he made in regards to their Queen, his spitting on of Winston Churchill, and his magnanimous Sams Club DVD gift set and IPOD loaded with "his" favorite songs.

    GM Bailout a dismal failure costing Americans $28 billion dollars.

    Osama technically is better off, he no longer has to listen as Obama give the same speech for four years. He should be thanking Seal Team Six from hell for this.

    Overseas jobs...after the failed auto bailout GM opened plants stimulating the economy...the economies of Mexico and China as they built factories there. Sending
    $22 million dollars of U.S. tax payer dollars to repay campaign debts to George Soros in Brazil.

    Authorizing a low flying photo-op over a U.S. city attacked in such a manner just years before that killed over 3000 people.

    Endorsing and supporting the Islam terrorists as he attempts to supplant the laws of the United States with this cults barbaric rituals of hate and death. As they attempt to remove God from this country and supplant him with a pedophile prophet and butcher.

    Appointing the above mentioned terrorists in key positions inside the very bastion of freedom that has stood for everything they despise. CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood hailed by Democrats as the purveyors of science and navigation...yet every country they are dominant lies in a state of barbarism and below third world poverty where murder and the rape of women, children, and homosexuals are the order of the day.

    Opening our borders under the false "Dream Act:" that allows illegal "aliens" to rape and murder innocent American children. Allowing them to recklessly run down in drunken stupors identification needed for that either. That would be "racist".

    Attempting to cover up his complicity and his paid assassin Eric Holders complicity to pursue a liberal agenda to deprive American citizens of the one thing that protects them against their tyranny...the Second Amendment. Maybe someone should ask Brian Terry if he is better off today than he was four years ago. As well as hundreds of Mexican citizens killed over this blood thirsty administrations warped agendas.

    Failed Green jobs...repeat after me..."Solyndra".

    Destroying the three branches of the Government our Founding Fathers put in place to prevent such blatant acts of despotism and tyranny to impose "his" will.

    He has made of this country once respected a global laughing stock as he bumbles his amateur worldwide failed agenda.

    His endorsement of the New Black Panther Party in his mantle of "unifier" as he racially divides the country. Letting them intimidate voters and threaten with death
    of all whites from babies on up with racial cleansing.

    His endorsement of voter fraud as it serves his purpose as he bastardizes the American electoral process.

    Leaking vital secrets to his Russian allies and the enemies of Israel in a blatant attempt to sabotage their attempts to protect themseves from the enemies that
    surround them on all sides...Palestine, Iran, Egypt.

    His unlawful endorsement of signing into law the unlawful detention of United States citizens.

    His gross multi-million dollar cover-up of his documents that would prove he is not eligible to serve in the office of the President according to our Constitution.

    His madating requiring Americans of faith to be complicit in the murders of countless unborn innocents.

    His passage of a Universal Healthcare mandate bribed and brokered behind closed doors that will deny millions of Americans proper healthcare they pay for while

    illegal "aliens" rape and steal their entitlements given to them by this sham of a President.

    His appointments of Czars not qualified to clean rest stop restrooms in key positions to cover up his own gross incompetence and arrogant misplaced narcism.

    His and his disgusting wifes lavish tax payer funded White House Parties, multi-million dollar vacations, golf rounds while Americans lose their homes and their children starve.

    His spitting on of the sacrifices of our military as he removes their rights to free speech, healthcare, and right to vote they shed blood for us to allow us to retain.

    These idiots have the gall to get up at the DNC and blatatantly lie to the American people when their disgusting actions are the only transparency we have ever
    seen from them. Maybe after Bill Clinton (A man known for the integrity of his word.) gave his propganda and evidently paid for speech, he should have had Obama come out dressed in the appropriate attire for his loving hug...a blue dress perhaps?

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